Rec Me Friday: WOC YouTubers



For about two years now, I've watched at least one YouTube video every single day. I enjoy YouTube a lot as a source of quick entertainment. I really believe that the platform has the possibility to become a great digital medium for sharing stories.However, for a media platform that allows people from different cultures, countries, races, etc to participate, YouTube has the same problem Hollywood and other mainstream Western media has - it's dominated by white people. The most popular and successful YouTubers are predominantly white and very often male. YouTuber Akilah Hughes even discussed how YouTube rarely promotes black YouTube stars.I'll admit it, I'm not that different from most YouTube audiences. I watch a whole lot of white YouTubers too. But I actively try to seek out a variety of different creators and diversify my subscription box.I've recommended YouTubers in past Rec Me Friday posts here and here but today, I decided to dedicate a post to promoting exclusively WoC YouTubers.




Patricia is such a fun burst of energy. She's always optimistic but genuine and down to earth in her videos about beauty, fashion, life and more. Even alongside the sponsored videos, I believe Patricia is sincere in her attempts to help her readers with tips about money, self esteem and life.  Patricia is so unabashedly herself and I love it.Also, as far as I can see, Patricia is one of the few popular PoC bloggers/YouTubers in the UK's mostly white media industry.

AMY LEE | Vagabond Youth

Amy is probably one of the YouTubers I relate to the most often. Her college life struggles are very familiar to me and her fashion style is quite like mine with the chic and edgy feel.


Cassie and Ricci's style is very simple, sleek, chic, and right up my alley. They offer great fashion inspiration with some lovely glimpses into their cute friendship.


AKILAH HUGHES | Smoothiefreak

Akilah's dry sarcasm make all her videos such a treat to watch. Her parody videos are my favorite because let's be real, after the twentieth haul/lookbook/book announcement/tag video I just want to poke fun at all of them.MUST SEE: Akilah explains intersectional in feminism using pizza.


Anna delivers really funny and thoughtful sketches about the different things she encounters in life.MUST SEE: Anna discusses Asian fetishes and things guys should know.


YouTube is overwhelmingly filled with humorous skits and lists such as '25 Types of... People', 'Reaction to..'  and most of them are by straight white men. As an Indian woman, Lilly produces similar videos and she does it better.


FRANCESA RAMSEY | chescaleigh

Whether it's her YouTube videos, MTV series, or her podcast, Francesa always manages to be both informative and hilarious. I often find myself laughing along as she tears down ignorant people with her quick humor. Other times, I'll be nodding along and learning from her social commentary.MUST SEE: Francesa and Kat explain how each of us should aware of our privilege.

MARINA | Marinashutup

In her videos, specifically the Feminist Fridays series, Marina breaks down all sorts of issues through an intersectional feminist perspective. I really enjoy how she succinctly explains and discusses the issues at hand.KAT BLAQUE | TransDIYerKat is adorable, educational and brilliantly honest in her opinions on issues such as race, feminism, trans issues and everything else in between.